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发表于 2013-3-4 20:01:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
网址:http://www.meeting.edu.cn/meetin ... 21026!detail.action
会议名称(中文):  第34届国际地质大会  
会议名称(英文):  34th Session of the International Geological Congress (IGC)  
所属学科:  矿物与岩石学,古生物与地层,构造地质,沉积与油气地质,地球化学与矿床,地球物理,水文与工程地质  
开始日期:  2012-08-05  
结束日期:  2012-08-10  
所在国家:  澳大利亚  
所在城市:      澳大利亚  
具体地点:  Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre  
主办单位:  Australian Geoscience Council and the broader geoscience community in Oceania  
议题:  Unearthing our Past and Future  

[ 组织结构 ] 会议主席:   
会议嘉宾:  姓名 职务 简介 演讲题目

[ 重要日期 ] 摘要截稿日期:  2012-02-17  
[ 会务组联系方式 ] 联系人:   
联系电话:  61 7 3368 2644  
传真:  61 7 3369 3731  
E-MAIL:  info@34igc.org  
会议网站:  http://www.34igc.org/index.php  
会议背景介绍:  On behalf of the Australian Geoscience Council and the broader geoscience community in Oceania, I have great pleasure in inviting you to the 34th Session of the International Geological Congress (IGC), in Brisbane, Australia, in August 2012. We look forward to the opportunity of welcoming delegates and providing you with an intellectually stimulating and socially memorable Congress.

The IGC was first held in 1878, and the Oceania region has only hosted the event once in its prestigious history. High level political and scientific support secured in Australia and New Zealand for the Congress will underpin this outstanding event.

  Under the theme “Unearthing our Past and Future” the IGC will showcase the Oceania region's geoscience strengths, innovations and natural wonders, through an exciting range of pre and post Congress field trips.  
征文范围及要求:  Proposed Themes

1. Geoscience for Society
2. Geoscience Benefiting Low Income Countries
3. Climate change: lessons from the past; implications for the future
4. Environmental Geoscience
5. Geoscience Information Supersymposia
6. Energy in a Carbon Constrained World
7. Mineral Resources and Mining
8. Mineral Exploration Geoscience
9. Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes
10. Coal - a Myriad of Resources
11. Petroleum Systems and Exploration
12. Unconventional Hydrocarbons – Emerging Fuels
13. Sedimentation and Sedimentary Processes
14. Basin Formation and Continental Margin Processes
15. A Dynamic Earth
16. The Deep Earth
17. The Early Earth: Hadean and Archean Development of a Habitable Planet
18. The Proterozoic Earth
19. Geochronology and Isotope Geology
20. Planetary Sciences
21. Magmatism – Settings, Compositions and Processes
22. Metamorphic Rocks and Processes
23. Evolution of the Biosphere
24. Reefs and Carbonates
25. Marine Geoscience and Oceanography
26. Antarctic and Arctic Geoscience
27. Biogeoscience
28. Groundwater/Hydrogeology
29. Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution
30. Geohazards
31. Engineering Geology and Geomechanics
32. Geoscience information from proximal and remote sensing technologies
33. History of the Geosciences
34. Major Geoscience Initiatives, Geosurveys and Maps (TBC)
35. Geostandards

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