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[GMT] Draw velocity using GMT

发表于 2013-2-23 10:36:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This paper introduces a method for velocity drawing by GMT .The main procedure used in this example is Psvelos. The velocity data were calculated by YUAN Yongdong using IGS data before and after the great earthquake happened in Japan last year.

Bat code :

set R=-R128/148/30/46

Rem extract and combine DEM data over Japan area

grdraster 32 -R128/140/40/46 -I0.5m -Gs1.nc

grdraster 33 -R128/140/30/40 -I0.5m -Gs2.nc

grdraster 34 -R140/148/30/40 -I0.5m -Gs3.nc

grdraster 35 -R140/148/40/46 -I0.5m -Gs4.nc

grdpaste s1.nc s2.nc -Gjapan1.nc

grdpaste s3.nc s4.nc -Gjapan2.nc

grdpaste japan1.nc japan2.nc -Gjapan.nc

Rem make a color palette

makecpt -Ctopo -T-100/2500/200 -Z>japan.cpt

Rem draw DEM using GTOPO DEM data

grdimage -JM5i %R% -Cjapan.cpt japan.nc -P -K >japanVelo.ps

pscoast %R% -JM5i  -Ba5g5/a5g5  -Di -A5000 -Swhite -Na -P -V -K -O>>japanVelo.ps

Rem you can give a legen


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