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[电脑与网络基础] Installation instructions

发表于 2014-3-17 00:05:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Installation instructionsDownloading

You can download the source and binary distributions from the project site.

Pre-compiled binaries

If you downloaded a pre-compiled binary distribution, simply unpack in the desired directory.

The executables will be in the bin folder, the pdf documentation in the doc folder, and example scripts in the cookbook folder.

Compiling from source

To build Tesseroids you’ll need:

Setting up SCons

Tesseroids uses the build tool SCons. A SConstruct file (Makefile equivalent) is used to define the compilation rules. You will have to download and install SCons in order to easily compile Tesseroids. SCons is available for both GNU/Linux and Windows. Building should work the same on both platforms.

SCons requires that you have Python installed. Check the SCons website for more information. Python is usually installed by default on most GNU/Linux systems.

Under Windows you will have to put SCons on your PATH environment variable in order to use it from the command line. It is usually located in the Scripts directory of your Python installation.

On GNU/Linux, SCons will generally use the GCC compiler to compile sources. On Windows it will search for an existing compiler. We recomment that you install GCC on Windows using MinGW.


First, download a source distribution. Unpack the archive anywhere you want (e.g., ~/tesseroids orC:\tesseroids or whatever). To compile, go to the directory where you unpacked (e.g., ~/tesseroidsetc.) and type in a terminal (or cmd.exe on Windows):


The executables will be placed on a bin folder.

To clean up the build, run:

scons -c

This will delete all object files and executables.

Testing the build

After the compilation, a program called tesstest will be placed in the directory where you unpacked the source. This program runs all the unit tests in the test directory. If all tests pass, the compilation probably went well. If any test fails, please submit a bug with the output of tesstest.


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